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Hello, Home Birth!
Module One- Principles and Safety of Home Birth
Is home birth right for you? - A guide to the pros and cons of your birthing space (10:50)
Medical Model of Care v. Midwifery Model of Care (4:20)
Is midwifery care really safer? (11:57)
Interventions within the cascade of interventions (25:13)
Finding a midwife- Consultations, what to ask, who to interview, and how to make a decision! GO WITH YOUR GUT! (9:15)
Why building and establishing an amazing relationship with your midwife is important (8:28)
References & Extras
Module Two- Physiology of Childbirth
Hormones- Learn about the beautiful dance your hormones are doing during labor and childbirth (6:46)
Mind- How thoughts and feelings matter in relation to the function of your body (21:42)
Body- What’s happening in there during labor and childbirth? (21:26)
Pain- Fight or flight vs. surrender (9:01)
Sphincter Law- Ina May Gaskin (3:38)
References & Extras
Module Three- Nutrition
Why is nutrition important during preconception? - Going back to our roots pt. 1 (20:48)
Why is nutrition important during pregnancy? - Going back to our roots pt. 2 (41:56)
Why is nutrition important during birth? - Going back to our roots pt. 3 (6:40)
Why is nutrition important during postpartum? - Going back to our roots pt. 4 (14:52)
Frequently asked Q’s about foods in pregnancy/food safety (15:16)
Prenatal vitamin- What’s the best for me? (27:51)
Special considerations- Vegan/vegetarian diets (4:29)
References & Extras
Module Four- Special Conditions/Considerations During Pregnancy & Informed Consent
Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) (22:25)
Preeclampsia/Hypertension (6:47)
Gestational Diabetes (GDM) (18:50)
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) (9:08)
Rhesus Factor & RhoGam (14:01)
Others- Vit K, Hep B, Erythromycin, etc. (41:22)
Ultrasound & doppler use (9:27)
Optimal Fetal Positioning (11:38)
Environmental Toxins (34:36)
References & Extras
Module Five- Preparing for a home birth
Setting up your home and birth space (13:09)
Educating and preparing your family members (10:11)
Doula or birth photographer? (15:50)
What about my placenta? (13:44)
Exercise During Pregnancy (5:15)
References & Extras
Module Six- Labor & Birth: What to Expect
Signs you may be going into labor… soon! (5:47)
“Natural” induction methods and risk/benefit of each (15:00)
What to expect from your midwives/birth assistants that day (12:02)
References & Extras
Module Seven- Postpartum Period & Protecting Your Space and Time
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Hormones- Learn about the beautiful dance your hormones are doing during labor and childbirth
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