Have you or someone you know experienced any of the following during their hospital birth?

  • The use various medications to induce labor
  • Artificially breaking the membranes surrounding the baby and releasing amniotic fluid before or during labor
  • Using synthetic oxytocin medicine (“Pitocin”) to make labor move faster
  • The pushing and administration of medications for pain relief
  • Laboring flat on a bed versus being upright and moving about

Why is this problematic?

In many instances, these practices cause problems because they disrupt the normal physiology of pregnancy, labor and birth by:

  • Interfering with hormones that move labor and birth along
  • Creating opportunities for infection
  • Having undesirable effects on your baby
  • Making it harder for you to push your baby out

This can have a tremendous negative effect on women during and after the birth of their babies that make them feel like their bodies have failed them. Majority of the time when things go wrong in the hospital, they could have easily been avoided by allowing the natural course of labor and birth to happen.

What if I told you that you don't have to have your baby in the hospital? You have OTHER options...

According to the largest analysis of planned home birth in the U.S. ever published which examines nearly 17,000 courses of midwife-led care, among low-risk women, planned home births result in low rates of interventions without an increase in adverse outcomes for mothers and babies. The option to birth your baby at home enables families, providers and policymakers to have a transparent look at the risks and benefits of planned home birth as well as the health benefits of normal physiologic birth.

What do I need to have a good birth experience?

Some of the most important things to making sure you have the best prenatal and birthing experience possible are the following:

  1. Chose a care provider that is right for YOU
  2. Chose the birth setting that is associated with low rates of common interventions
  3. EDUCATE YOURSELF on all things labor and birth by taking Hello, Home Birth! Online Course

You have a voice and you have options!

HIRE A MIDWIFE! Midwives are extremely skilled medical professionals. They are an excellent choice for anyone with a low-risk pregnancy who is hoping for a vaginal delivery. Some midwives will even share care with an OB upon request in a higher-risk situation. Many people don’t hire midwives for their births only because they don’t know what they do.

With midwifery care you are:

  • 24% less likely to experience preterm birth,
  • 19% less likely to lose your baby before 24 weeks' gestation, and
  • 16% less likely to lose you baby at any gestation

HAVE YOUR BABY AT HOME OR A BIRTH CENTER! Home Births are intimate, safe and convenient. You can birth wherever and however you’d like to birth; in a birth pool, on a bed, in the bathroom or even on the living room floor. Once you birth, you can have a shower in your own shower, have your partner make you a post-birth snack, crawl into your comfy bed snuggled up with your baby, and have a wonderful night of sleep.

EDUCATE YOURSELF! By investing in a great childbirth education class like Hello, Home Birth!, you can ensure you are learning everything you need to about your pregnancy, labor, and birth before your baby gets here!

What are some common misconceptions about home birth?

Myth: My home is too small

Fact: Home, apartment, trailer, RV, bus, yurt... you name it. Your midwife has probably seen it all and doesn't discriminate

Myth: Birth is messy

Fact: Yes, sometimes it can be, but in the event it is, your birth team has got all of it under control. By the time they leave your house, everything will be cleaned up, trash will be taken out, and a load of laundry will have been done.

Myth: Midwives are just old witches who deliver babies in barns

Fact: Midwives are HIGHLY skilled and trained healthcare professionals who endure several years of schooling as well as numerous hours of clinical practice before sitting for certification set by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM).

Myth: Out of hospital birth is expensive

Fact: The average cost to hire a midwife ranges between $2,500-$6,000 depending on where you are located. Additionally, some midwives and birth centers accept Medicaid. A birth in the hospital is going to cost you anywhere between $10-30K.

What will I learn in Hello, Home Birth!?

  • Home birth- Principles and core values… Is it really safe?
  • Physiological child birth and why is it important
  • Techniques to prepare your mind, body and soul for home birth
  • Why nutrition is foundational in staying healthy and at home
  • Preparing your home and birth space
  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for common ailments during pregnancy
  • How to prepare your partner and other members of your family for home birth
  • The postpartum period and protecting your space and time
  • Resource guide
  • EXTRAS! (Education and counseling on environmental toxins, herbal remedies, meal plans, handouts, and more!)

Who will you be learning from?

Oh hey! It's me! My name is Julianne and I am SO thrilled to be able to share this labor of love with you all! I am a student midwife and currently assisting and attending births with two different home birth midwifery practices in my area. My journey in the birth community began over 10 years ago (and I didn't even know it!) during my first birth, which happened to be a terrible experience in the hospital. One home birth and more than halfway through midwifery school later, I am so excited to be able to contribute to my community with the knowledge I have gained throughout this time. I am also so happy to be able to reach more than just the people in my community with this incredible childbirth education course! Learn more about me in a very intimate and personal "Welcome Video" you will get after you sign up for Hello, Home Birth!

Sneak Peek Curriculum!

  Module One- Principles and Safety of Home Birth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Two- Physiology of Childbirth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Three- Nutrition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Four- Special Conditions/Considerations During Pregnancy & Informed Consent
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Five- Preparing for a home birth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Six- Labor & Birth: What to Expect
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Seven- Postpartum Period & Protecting Your Space and Time
Available in days
days after you enroll
Upon enrollment of Hello, Home Birth! you will have access to all course content*, including the following:

15+ hours of video/audio lessons
Reference list for each module
50+ Canva resource print-outs
Private Facebook community

*Excluding Black Friday PRESALE! All course content will be available come early 2022.

Choose a Pricing Option

Purchase Hello, Home Birth! Optimal Nutrition Course Here

This nutrition portion of Hello, Home Birth! (Module 3) is able to be purchased on its own in the event you would like some nutritional guidance without the rest of the course. In this seven section part of the course, you will learn about essential nutrition during the preconception, prenatal and postnatal time periods. I also go into detail about frequently asked questions regarding certain foods during pregnancy, prenatal vitamins, and some special considerations like vegetarian and vegan diets. You will also receive a 10 page resource page and 22 printable Canva PDF's for your reference!

We cannot wait to see you in Hello, Home Birth!